Artists and Activists
An innovative, diverse and site specific group of artists and activists.
We work to bring to life the culture and history of our mural sites. When you engage with us, we bring in local youth artists to make their mark and express themselves in our project. This way, when the community is engaged, the mural lasts longer, physically and in the hearts of the community.

Weather beating, technology utilizing
Painting Murals in New England
Did you know you need to track the dew point in order to know if your paint will stick to the wall? It is true. We use science, gadgets and our vast experience as painters and makers to craft beautiful artful spaces that engage community members and reflect the community back to those who use the spaces.
About Us
Yasamin Safarzadeh and Amber Nicole Cannan met on June 6th 2021 in one of the first art gatherings that happened in Manchester after the Covid shut downs were reduced.
We immediately knew we would do something amazing together.
Jozimar Matimano and Yasamin met not long after as Jozimar rose to fame in New Hampshire with interviews with NHPR, WMUR, Diversity 603 and others. Yasamin brought him on as a featured artist at a Kimbal Jenkin's exhibition and the rest is history.
We decided the world needed us to communicate loudly through our art, expressing love for the people around us and strength in our solidarity.
All of us are painters, so our murals are fine works of art, with every brush stroke carefully thought out.

Local Contributing Artists

What We Do
We Paint.
Kind of- Honestly, we talk to a lot of people as they walk by and give lots of people reassurance that yes, they can paint too. Kids are easier to convince, but we capture adults too. An amazing thing happens when you give someone a paintbrush and tell them to make their mark. Their guard drops and they slowly make a mark. Then they get into it. They get feverish and begin to experience the same rush we do when working on large scale projects. Some even drop their guard enough to ask a question. That is when the real fun begins.